2023: Uncertainties And Unpredictability
Imperfectionism #3
Well, well, well. It’s been quite a while, right? I was so, so desperate to write something that I just had to take out time from my studies. But before we start, I would like to give the customary, introductory quote.
-Armaan Wadhwa, probably alongside millions of students
I still can’t believe that this year, like all other years, is also over. I feel that the last 2-3 years have rushed past me, quite quickly, but they have also given me the most, as they say, character development.
I can say with utmost certainty that uncertainty certainly changes a person for the better.
The upcoming year, is also going to be full of uncertainties. This shall be the year, when my childhood would conclude (Wtf I’m gonna be 18 in about 6 months??!!!). This shall be the year, when I will say goodbye to my school. This shall also be the year when I ____________________ (secret new year resolution alert!). Well, last but not the least, unfortunately, this shall also be the year when I will give numerous entrance exams.
Am I nervous? That’s a big YES! But I’m kinda low-key excited too. I’m gonna miss childhood, but I’m also gonna enjoy the perks that come with adulthood :). Instead of being scared of uncertainties, I feel, we should look forward to them. Life can get really unpredictable at times, but with enough optimism, we can enjoy that unpredictability, perhaps like a suspense novel. And who doesn’t like suspense novels? And unpredictability is far better than monotony, to say the least. If someone assures you that your life is forever gonna stay exactly the way it is right now, what would you be even living for?
Now as my phone’s battery is at 3%, and integral calculus waits for me, I shall conclude.
See you next year with more Imperfectionism!!