Put Me To Sleep (Poem)

Armaan Wadhwa
1 min readAug 29, 2023


Put me to sleep, and don’t awaken me ever,

My eyes can’t take this, and they would never.

In a world where goodwill is a myth, innocence a lie,

Where hundreds are crippled and burnt every day, yet no one asks why.

Where horrific tragedies are merely met with a tear of compulsion, or maybe a sigh,

Where the so-called weaker ones are excruciatingly thrown out, to be crushed and die.

One gender calls the other ‘fragile’, without bothering to reflect upon its own ego,

And the latter is forced to sit idly, watching the former grow.

And when someone belongs to neither of those two,

They are often ostracised, devilishly denied the love which is due.

Desperate cries for help, somehow become laughing stock,

They’re all here for the sweets and treats, but somehow vanish when the road gets sprinkled with rocks.

Everyone’s a fan of the fable-like friendships seen in fiction,

And yet at the thought of making the smallest of sacrifices, we tend to run.

So please put me to sleep, and don’t awaken me ever,

For my eyes can’t take this macabre world, and they would never.

